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Advantages of long term investments

Long-term investment is something that everyone should be intersted in. It is no longer a very complicated subject for only economists or those with a lot of money to know.68/5000 Why is it so good to choose long-term investments?


Donald Trump wanted to use 10.000 pentalog soldiers to quell US protests

The White House plans to deploy about 10.000 active-duty soldiers this week to quell protests in the capital, Washington D.C. and in other parts of the United States, a senior defense official told CBS, quoted by the dpa.


Returning to work after the isolation period

With the end of the state of emergency, more and more companies are returning to a normal work schedule, which means that many of those who have worked from home for two months are returning to their offices. This resumption of the normal work schedule is not easy for everyoane, and many of us need a period of adjustment.


Some ideas for succesfully implementing a work from home company policy

Working from home is increasing and it is important for companies to have formal working policies as in the case of a traditional office. Although things like team communication and productivity are key goals for any business, how to properly encourage and facilitate them when working remotely may not seem so simple. Here are the tips that all leaders should implement.


How we close the loan early with the help of investments

In the financial planning activity we start the discussion from the medium and long term financial objectives. Such a financial objective can be represented by the early closing of the credit for the house: either the first house, or mortgage / real estate.


Coronavirus context: How the routine and activity of an Italian businessman changed

Carlo Beltrame, CEO of the Donalam from Romania, Calarasi, a steel company, is originally from Vicenza, a city in the Veneto region of northern Italy, an area with many cases of Covid-19 infestation. Carlo was last seen in Italy on February 7, when no case had appeared in the Peninsula yet.


The best people in the IT world were nominated

This year, the Turing Award (The ACM A.M. Turing Award) which recognizes the merits in the field of computing and computers worldwide, was given to two winners, who will also share the million dollars.


I save 1000 euros per month. How to invest them?

For those who get to save a little more money (1000 euros or more), we have some great tips


What methods do companies use to employ IT people

There is an acute need for skills in a labor market that requires competitiveness in the shortest time. The IT deficit may deepen year by year, while jobs remain unoccupied - a forecast that has convinced more and more companies to turn to recruiting professionals for help, but HR specialists to compete for talent Best.


Mobile phones liked by millionaires

Apple, Huawei and Samsung are the world's largest mobile phone manufactures, and phones created by them are a real success all over the world, both among ordinary people, but also among millionaires. If Huawei and Samsung have in their portfolio mobile phones for all types of users, Apple has just phones for rich people. The american company recently launched three new mobile phones that are also the most expensive from the company history: iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR.


Affirmative statements

To be a succesful person, you have to discipline yourself to harmonize the words that you are saying to you in your inner dialogue with your most important objectives from your life and with what you want to become as a person. If all what you are saying is about your future, is important to speak to you about what you want to happen to you.


5 highest paid musicians

U2, the veteran Dublin rockers are also the top Money Maker of 2017 and also the highest-ranking newcomers to this year's list. Founded in 1976, the band is composed of Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen. The music they sang in the beginning period draws their origins from post-punk and after that it was influenced by some pop music style.


Control your inner dialogue

You'll become what you think. Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "A person becomes what he thinks during a day". More than that, you become what you are saying to you during the day. You can exert an incredible influence on your thoughts, your emotions, your behavior, just using the inner positive dialogue or positive afirmations. This technique implies that you are your own supportive and you are talking positively to you in the majority of time.


Premium cars for top people

In the last 6 months the auto market was enriched with some premium vehicles searched by the clients who need utility, confort, technology and performance.


Focusing and concentration

Focusing and concentration are skills that can be learned through learning. They are habits that can be developed when you exercise. Self-leveling is difficult at first, but in time you will be able to get to the point where you can direct your throughts to established goals and your wishes most of the time.