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Affirmative statements

To be a succesful person, you have to discipline yourself to harmonize the words that you are saying to you in your inner dialogue with your most important objectives from your life and with what you want to become as a person. If all what you are saying is about your future, is important to speak to you about what you want to happen to you.

The fear of failure is the number one reason that people are failing in life. Not the experience of failure pull as back, but the fear of failure. We all felt the bitter taste of failure. The german philosopher said: "What does not kill you makes you stronger". The thought of potential failure is the one that makes us quit before trying.

The fear of failure is expressed by the words: "I can't, I can't, I can't!". Every time when we think that making somethig implies possible losses, we react saying: "I can't!". These words triggers feelings of fear, stress and anxiety, which human body translates into accelerated pulse, abdominal cramps and even migraines.

A firm and positive statement can cancel a negative message. Psychologists have discovered that the formula "I can do it!" neutralizes the sense of helplessness generated by "I can't", especially if these words are repeated with conviction. The formula "I can do it!" is the antidote to fear of failure which usually prevent us from trying.

From now on, whenever you think to something great and awakens your enthusiasm, something that you can be or do, be your own supporter and say: "I can do it!" Repeat these words every time when you feel the fear of failure in your brain. Say this yo you: "I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!". What you start saying that you can, the message reaches the subconscious, and negative emotions that keep you in place are canceled.

Category: Motivationals

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