How to change your mental relationship with money
Although we want to control as many things as possible, the truth is that we cannot do everything we want.
But there are some things we can change in our country, and one of these things is our relationship with money, namely a change in the mentality about money.
Oamenii au tendin?a de a se concentra asupra veniturilor, îns? nu se gândesc mai deloc cum pot controla aceste venituri, astfel încât s? se bucure ?i de alte lucruri pe care le ofer? banii, cum ar fi investi?iile, economiile, dar ?i stabilirea unor obiective pe termen scurt, pe termen lung ?i foarte lung.
What exactly is this Money Mindset or the mindset about money?
In short, a well-made Money Mindset can give you more control over your money.
This mentality influencing your thoughts, but also your actions, so that you have the financial results you want.
Starting from this mentality, it will not be difficult for you to save and get more and more money from the investments you will make.
Someone who has the best mentality when it comes to money, will know how to relate to it, being at the same time confident, confident, but also informed about money. On the other hand, a person who does not share this mentality will feel uncomfortable about her financial situation.
The mentality is formed as a result of the experiences you go through because people have a different experience when it comes to money. Someone who worked in high school and college may have a different perspective than someone who started working after graduation.
The mentality about money is also formed in the house, namely if for your parents, money was a taboo subject, then this could affect you later.
Also, if your parents have been stressed about your money, this may have affected you as well.