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How to change your mental relationship with money

Although we want to control as many things as possible, the truth is that we cannot do everything we want.


Why do you need a financial advisor?

Many people wonder about the possibility of using the services of a financial advisor, so that they can put their money in order and plan their life as well as possible financially.


Onore, a business with men's clothing accessories that wants to expand abroad

Onore is a business with men's clothing accessories, founded by Mihai Beznea, a young man who has been flirting with entrepreneurship since college. The business, which has in its portfolio shirts, straps, ties, bow ties and more, wants to expand abroad with its products.


How to make money from real estate

As you well know we are in a rather difficult period. If during this period you feel a financial pressure, it is a good time to get out of this trap of financial deprivation because the system I will present to you is very well developed, but in final you'll have the money you desire. Today, even if you have a job, somewhere where you can work, no one guarantees that you will find him there the next day. If you have to wake up every morning to go to work to ensure your daily life then you clearly have a cash flow problem. If you want to get rid of this problem, one of the solutions is the real estate field, which can ensure your cash flow on a long term, in order to do what you want with your life.