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The difference between success and failure

The main difference between success people and people who fail is very simple: success people from every domain are action oriented and people who fail just talks about actions. Those people who have success action and work without hesitation, and those that don't have results in life are loosing their time just desiring, dreaming and finding excuses.

In 1990, there were about 5000 millionaires in the United States, and in that time a million of dollars was worth much more than now. In 1980, there was about 1,5 million people whose wealth exceeded one million dollars and in 2000 rthere was about 7 million people. Today we have people whose wealth exceeds 10 million dollars and also 100 million dollars, and we have about 300 billionaires. It is expected that in the coming years these numbers will double.

Many millionaires and even billionaires are self-made. They built their fortunes, they did not acquire them, starting from nothing. They won every cent using their talent and abilities for exploring and creating opportunities. It is estimated that at every four minutes a new millionaire appears.

Everything that these people have done is also at your disposal. You need to think that no one is better and smarter than you. The millionaires and billionaires are not special people. They are just honest, they work a lot, they are ready to take risks, they have experience from their activity domeins and they did not give up when it was difficult.

Rich people are not much different from me or you. They used their talents, tried to do their best and different things. If you do like them, you will have the same results. The financial success is not a miracle and it is not based on luck.

Earning money is a basic ability. If you want to master it you need knowledge and exercise a lot, but due to the fact that millions of people have earned money over time, earning money is an acquired skill. If you can learn how to drive a car, or to use a mobile phone or a computer, then you have the necessary intelligence to earn any amount of money you propose.

Category: Motivationals

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